28 October 2014

An Arduino library for FM radio chips

My latest project is about controlling an FM radio chip by using an Arduino Board, an LCD display and a rotary encoder all the components I need to build a standalone radio for my needs.

There are diverse radio chips available for building radio receivers. Because most of them are made for integration into mobile phones or car radios they normally come on breakout boards, sometimes together with audio amplifiers for headphones.

The ones I found and tried are:

  • The SI4703 from Silicon Labs
  • RDA5807 from RDA Microelectronics
  • TEA5767 from NXP

    They all are capable for receiving FM radio stations in stereo with European and US settings and can be controlled by using the I2C bus. However there are differences in the sensitivity and quality and well on receiving RDS information from the stations.

    The idea of the project beside implementing a radio for my personal needs is to provide Arduino compatible libraries for these (and possible more) chips that all offer the same functionality and expose the same functions. These radio chip adaptions can be combined with the also available RDS encoder and the radio applications.

    This is my current hardware setup for the latest project I am working on by using a breakout board for the SI4703 chip including an audio amplifier that I found on eBay:


    The radio library

    The libraries for this project can be found on github:


    You can download all the files at once by using the provided zip file:


    I still work on this and still some features I like to implement are still in development but maybe you already have experiences with audio functionality on the Arduino or other platforms or you also work on a similar project. Let me know (via eMail) and maybe we can share some experiences.

    Open Topics

    • Implementing all functions for all chips
    • good documentation
    • pictures
    • writing about using LCD displays in the I2C bus
    • writing about interpreting RDS data
    • … let me know
  • 19 October 2014

    Joystick shields for Arduino

    I was playing around lately with some standard I/O boards and came across the joystick shields. There are at least 2 versions of joystick shields on the market. There is one from sparkfun (see link below) and another labeled with funduino that is available in many stores and as well on eBay.

    Both share a kind of Nintendo layout using an analog joystick on the left, 4 buttons on the right and 2 buttons in between. The JoyStick Shield V1.a is the one I like to write bout here but I expect that the sources I share with you can help out on other layouts too.


    The Funduino version has more functionality by providing  switch for the reference voltage of the analog joystick and a lot of connectors especially for the NRF24L01 transceiver. However samples for the shield are hard to find and most stores don’t provide a schema. So here is my documentation that may help you out of this and some sketches to show the functionality.

    The JoyStick IO definitions I use are for the Funduino JoyStick Shield V1.A but they can easily be adapted to the sparkfun and other similar joystick shields.

    Raw Signal testing

    The JoyStick_RawTest.ino sketch that you can find in the library shows how to initialize all the input ports of the Arduino corresponding to the buttons and the joystick of the shield.

    Here is the list of the Arduino ports used by the shield buttons and joystick:

    function io port
    Button A digital pin 2
    Button B digital pin 3
    Button C digital pin 4
    Button D digital pin 5
    Button E digital pin 6
    Button F digital pin 7
    X - Axis analog pin A0
    Y – Axis analog pin A1
    Joystick push, Button K digital pin 8

    In the loop function the real raw signal levels of the IO are printed out to the Serial port so you can inspect the current values. After compiling and uploading the sketch you should open the serial monitor with the 57600 baud settings and watch all the information coming from the shield.
    You can see the difference for the 3V3 / 5V switch in the possible values of the analog input signals.

    You should use this sketch just to be sure all the IO definitions are fine.

    Signal testing

    However, using the raw signals is a kind of pain. 2 simple methods can help you to make this more easy. The JoyStick_Test.ino sketch that you can find in the download files shows how to use the input on a more logical level and in respect of the not so exact analog joystick signals.


    The levels of the buttons are on the level 1 when not pressed. The conversion is implemented in the function joyButton(...) and returns a boolean value.

    boolean joyButton(byte pin) {
      int signal = digitalRead(pin);
      return (signal == 0);
    } // joyButton

    JoyStick position

    The levels of the X and Y joystick normally are not very correct. If you leave the stick untouched in the middle position the actual value from the analog port will not be exactly half the reference voltage and it may jump between some values. It is also very hard to get the stick to a specific position and hold it in place. Therefore I use a function that converts to the analog input value to a range of -4 to 4 where 0 is the level in normal position. The conversion is implemented in the function joyStick(...) and returns a signed int. The 3v3 / 5v switch should be in the 5v position.

    int joyStick(byte pin) {
      // read the analog value
      int signal = analogRead(pin);
      // convert with mathematics:
      signal = ((signal+64) / 128) - 4;
      return (signal);
    } // joyStick

    After compiling and uploading the sketch you should open the serial monitor with the 57600 baud settings and watch all the information coming from the shield.

    If you like to use these functions just copy them over to your sketch.


    Sketch JoyStick_RawTest.ino

    /// \file JoyStick_rawtest.ino
    /// \brief A simple sketch showing the binary input values fro the joystick board.
    /// \author Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de
    /// \copyright Copyright (c) 2014 by Matthias Hertel.\n
    /// This work is licensed under a BSD style license.\n
    /// See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx
    /// \details
    /// This sketch shows how to initialize all the input ports of the Arduino
    /// corresponding to the buttons and the joystick of the shield.
    /// The real raw singal levels of the IO are printed out to the Serial port
    /// so you can inspect the current values.
    /// you can see the difference for the 3V3 / 5V switch in the possible values
    /// of the analog input signals.
    /// The JoyStick IO definitions  here are for the Funduino JoyStick Shield V1.A.
    /// It can easily be adapted to the sparkfun JoyStick Shield.
    /// More documentation and source code is available at http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino
    /// History:
    /// --------
    /// * 18.10.2014 creation.
    /// Port definitions for the buttons on the shield with the printed labels
    #define BUTTON_A  2 
    #define BUTTON_B  3
    #define BUTTON_C  4
    #define BUTTON_D  5
    #define BUTTON_E  8
    #define BUTTON_F  7
    /// Port definitions for the JoyStick functions
    #define ANALOG_PUSH 8
    #define ANALOG_X A0 
    #define ANALOG_Y A1 
    void setup() {
      // Setup button inputs with internal pull up high resistor
      pinMode(BUTTON_A, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_B, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_C, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_D, INPUT_PULLUP);
      // Setup the option buttons
      pinMode(BUTTON_E, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_F, INPUT_PULLUP);
      // Setup joystick button
      // The analog inputs need no setup.
    void loop() {
      Serial.print(" A:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_A));
      Serial.print(" B:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_B));
      Serial.print(" C:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_C));
      Serial.print(" D:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_D));
      Serial.print(" E:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_E));
      Serial.print(" F:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(BUTTON_F));
      Serial.print(" -- X:"); Serial.print(analogRead(ANALOG_X));
      Serial.print(" y:"); Serial.print(analogRead(ANALOG_Y));
      Serial.print(" K:"); Serial.print(digitalRead(ANALOG_PUSH));


    Sketch JoyStick_Test.ino

    /// \file JoyStick_Test.ino
    /// \brief A simple sketch showing the binary input values from the joystick board.
    /// \author Matthias Hertel, http://www.mathertel.de
    /// \copyright Copyright (c) 2014 by Matthias Hertel.\n
    /// This work is licensed under a BSD style license.\n
    /// See http://www.mathertel.de/License.aspx
    /// \details
    /// This sketch shows how to initialize all the input ports of the Arduino
    /// corresponding to the buttons and the joystick of the shield.
    /// Here the io signal are converted to be interpreted easily:
    /// * The levels of the buttons are on the level 1 when not pressed.
    /// The conversion is implemented in the function joyButton(...) and returns a boolean value.
    /// * The levels of the X and Y joystick normally are not very correct.
    /// They are converted to the range -4 to 4 where 0 is the level in normal position.
    /// The conversion is implemented in the function joyStick(...) and returns a signed int.
    /// The 3v3 / 5v switch should be in the 5v position.
    /// The JoyStick IO definitions  here are for the Funduino JoyStick Shield V1.A.
    /// It can easily be adapted to the sparkfun JoyStick Shield.
    /// More documentation and source code is available at http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino
    /// History:
    /// --------
    /// * 18.10.2014 creation.
    /// Port definitions for the buttons on the shield with the printed labels
    #define BUTTON_A  2 
    #define BUTTON_B  3
    #define BUTTON_C  4
    #define BUTTON_D  5
    #define BUTTON_E  8
    #define BUTTON_F  7
    /// Buttons with the names of the classic Nintendo layout
    /// Port definitions for the JoyStick functions
    #define ANALOG_PUSH 8
    #define ANALOG_X A0 
    #define ANALOG_Y A1 
    boolean joyButton(byte pin) {
      int signal = digitalRead(pin);
      return (signal == 0);
    } // joyButton
    int joyStick(byte pin) {
      // 000....128....256....384....512....640....768....896....1024
      // -4     -3     -2     -1      0      1      2      3       4
      int signal = analogRead(pin);
      /// convert with mathematics
      signal = ((signal+64) / 128) - 4;
      return (signal);
    } // joyStick
    void setup() {
      // Setup button inputs with internal pull up high resistor
      pinMode(BUTTON_A, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_B, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_C, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_D, INPUT_PULLUP);
      // Setup the option buttons
      pinMode(BUTTON_E, INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(BUTTON_F, INPUT_PULLUP);
      // Setup joystick button
      // The analog inputs need no setup.
    void loop() {
      Serial.print(" A:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_A));
      Serial.print(" B:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_B));
      Serial.print(" C:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_C));
      Serial.print(" D:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_D));
      Serial.print(" E:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_E));
      Serial.print(" F:"); Serial.print(joyButton(BUTTON_F));
      Serial.print(" -- X:"); Serial.print(joyStick(ANALOG_X));
      Serial.print(" y:"); Serial.print(joyStick(ANALOG_Y));
      Serial.print(" K:"); Serial.print(joyButton(ANALOG_PUSH));


    Additional Links



    03 April 2014

    Improved DMX Shield Version for Arduino

    The last version of the shield with it’s features and internals can be found on http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino/DMXShield.aspx .

    This new version of the shield has no functional additions, so it works exactly like the shield in version v03 that is in use in multiple installations. But there are some improvements by adjusting some values and make its use more flexible when using it on top of an Arduino MEGA and other shields.

    The most obvious features of the new (V04) version of the DMX Shield are the better placements of some of the components and the addition of all the shield connectors from the current Arduino boards.

    Fixes to resistor values

    The values from the optocoupler OK3 transferring the receiving signal in version v03 are adapted to the other optocouplers.

    The 3 resistors (R4, R5, R6) are used to limit the current for the internal LEDs of the optocouplers. They had 300 or 470 Ohm in the first layout. These values are now made equal to 470 Ohm which is sufficient.

    The 3 resistors (R7, R8, R9) are used to pull the output value of the optocoupler to HIGH also had different values of 470 or 4,7k Ohm. These values are now also made equal to 4,7k Ohm which is also sufficient. The downside of it is that the resistors are hard to distinguish.

    I use both adjustments in some installations and they run fine.

    The error in the naming of R1 and R2 is fixed.

    Here is a picture of the shield with some assembly hints:


    Flexibility for Arduino MEGA

    The signals RX, TX and D2 are now brought to the pins d0, d1, d2 via a solder jumper. These 3 jumpers should be closed by dropping a small part of solder upon them for normal operation with Arduino Uno or Leonardo Boards.

    If you like to use other serial ports or signals like on the Arduino MEGA you can leave these jumpers open and connect the signals the way you like.

    The ICSP header of the Arduino board can now be brought to the next shield above the DMX shield by soldering a stackable header.

    All the 4 holes from the Arduino Uno Board are now also available to the shield for building permanent robust stacks.

    ICSP header and more pins.

    All of these extensions are not needed by the DMX shield but it is a good practice to have connection pads and holes at these positions so the signals can be passed through.

    Some Arduino shields are using the ICSP header to access the SPI signals from the ATmega chip. The Ethernet shield is a good example for that and there are good reasons to do so.

    Not the new version of the DMX shield has 6 contacts right where a ICSP connector can be soldered to pass through the signals to a shield above.

    Also 2 of the Arduino header pins have been expanded since some versions. The POWER connector is now 8 pins long and includes IOREF signal. The upper digital connector is now 10 pins long and include the SDA and SCL signals.

    Because the DMX shield does not need these signals you can leave these pins without soldering a header or use the (old) shorter headers if you like.

    Partlist DMX Shield

    Here are the parts you need for a full assembly. It’s also a good order of soldering them.

    Part name Value Description
    Starting with the low parts...

    R4, R5, R6

    470 Ω

    Bands: (yellow, purple, black, brown, brown*) or (yellow, purple, brown, silver*)

    R7, R8, R9

    4,7 kΩ

    Bands: (yellow, purple, black, black, brown*) or (yellow, purple, red, silver*)

    The resistors R1 - R3 should be adjusted for the role of the DMX board in your DMX setup.
    This configuration is for a DMX / RDM Controller. Don't use them when implementing a DMX or RDM Slave.

    R1, R3

    562 Ω

    Bands: (green, blue, red, black, brown*)


    133 Ω

    Bands: (brown, orange, orange, black, brown*)

    Now the capacitators...



    Capacitors stabilizing the power. Label: 104

    The dc-dc converter...


    NME 0505

    A dc-dc-converter. The chip that provides another 5 v source for the DMX signal converter.

    Now you can check if the secondary 5v power is existing. Put it on top of an Arduino and measure the voltage at the capacitor C4. It should be near by 5V.

    The optocouplers and the driver chips...



    A MAX481CPA or MAX485 CPA from Maxim or another supplier used to convert the differential DMX signal into a logical signal.
    The 8 pin chip can be soldered directly or put on a socket. Be sure to place it in the right direction.

    OK1, OK2, OK3


    The optocouplers.
    The 8 pin chip can be soldered directly or put on a socket. Be sure to place it in the right direction.

    ...and the connectors



    1X03 pinhead. I cut it from a longer (20 pin) one.



    1X04 pinhead

    stackable headers


    You can solder the usual stackable headers or if you use the shield at the uppermost shield on the Arduino you can solder simple pinheads too.



    There is no need caused by this shield to solder a ICSP. You can solder one if you like to use the shield with another shield above that needs these connections.

    solder jumpers


    Don’t forget to close the jumpers when using a standard Arduino.

    I will update the article on the web during the next days and will attach some pictures too.

    I ordered more than I need for my projects so if you are interested in the PCB – let me know.

    20 January 2014

    Rotary Encoder Library

    Here you can find an Arduino compatible library for using rotary encoders.

    I was searching a library for using a rotary encoder in my latest project and found a lot of information on this topic but none of the existing libraries did immediately match my expectations so I finally built my own.

    This article likes to explain the software mechanisms used in detail so you can understand the coding and might be able to adjust it to your needs if you like. There are various aspects when writing a library for rotary encoders and you can also find a lot of the sources I analyzed at the bottom of this article.


    from http://www.mathertel.de/Arduino/RotaryEncoderStart.aspx

    Rotary Encoder signals

    The signals a rotary encoder produces (and what can be handled by this library) are based on a 2-bit gray code available on 2 digital data signal lines. The typical encoders use 3 output pins: 2 for the signals and one for the common signal usually GND.

    There are 4 possible combinations of on and off on these 2 signal lines that can be seen on this video:

    Rotary Encoder signal generation

    The rotary encoder usually has a detent mechanism that holds the knob in place when both contacts are open.  when rotating the knob the two contacts will be connected to the common signal one by one.

    A common cabling is to use the ground as the common signal and use pull-up resistors to have a HIGH signal when the contacts are open. The Arduino processor has internal pull-up resistors on all input pins that can be enabled by software. Have a look at the inline comments of the library.

    The bouncing problem

    When using contacts there is no exact ON and OFF condition while switching because the contacts never close exactly and especially older contacts or dirty contacts generate a lot of fast ON/OFF sequences (sometimes called noise).

    Hopefully when you stop turning the knob the contact situation should be fixed. If not, try to clean or throw it away and buy a new one.

    By using a capacitor it is possible to build a low pass filter that reduce the bouncing effect and eliminates the very small spikes. If you ever have like to use this solution put the capacitor as near as possible to the contacts. 100nF will do here.

    Another solution is to detect changes of the signal in a very small timeframe and ignore them. You can find a solution using this approach on the Arduino playground article.

    The solution I found in some of the libraries around is to exactly follow all the 4 possible states of the signals that a switch will pass when being turned from one position to the next and detect the next position only when reaching a detent state. Even when a bouncing will occur it will not change the position counting more than once.

    High Frequency

    There are library approaches that can handle high frequency rotary encoders. I only use the rotary encoder with my fingers (not by using a motor) and have not found any problems for that speed.

    However with the library it is important to have a look at the signals every few microseconds or at least when a signal has changed. So give the library often a try to detect the situation or use an interrupt.

    You can tweak reading the ports by using the bitRead function or a direct read of the Port, but the library looses some of the compatibility with the Arduino style of programming because you have to know the exact hardware definitions.

    If you need more advanced support for decoding signals from encoders have a look at the optical solutions and processors like the ATXMEGA that includes hardware support for reading position from
    Quadrature Encoders.

    Counting States

    Many of the sources use two variables for storing the levels of the 2 signal lines. I found it more practical to use a number between 0 and 3 for a specific state. The first signal line counts for the value 1 and the second counts for the value 2. The addition of both values is used. Because the digitalRead function returns 0 or 1 this can be done by using a bit-shift and addition:

    thisState = sig1 + 2 * sig2;

    or more effective:

    thisState = sig1 | (sig2 << 1);

    Transitions within states

    Detecting a movement of the knob is now identical to detect a transition from one state to the next one. Not all transitions are valid and when both signals change at once there is something wrong with the signals.

    Here is a straight forward implementation for calculating the position of the knob from an old (last known) state and the current state:

    if ((oldState == 3) && (thisState == 1)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 1) && (thisState == 0)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 0) && (thisState == 2)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 2) && (thisState == 3)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 3) && (thisState == 2)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 2) && (thisState == 0)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 0) && (thisState == 1)) {
    } else if ((oldState == 1) && (thisState == 3)) {
    } // if

    But this solution uses a lot of programming instructions and also seems to be slow (especially when turning left). A small static array can help reducing time and space. The implementation from brianlow also uses a  table and almost the same trick:

    calculate an unique index from the oldState and the newState and make a lookup into a array of integers:

    index = thisState + 4 * oldState;

    or more effective:

    index = thisState | (oldState<<2);

    The array holds the values –1 for the entries where a position was decremented, a 1 for the entries where the position was incremented and 0 in all the other (no change or not valid) cases:

    const int8_t KNOBDIR[] = {
       0, -1,  1,  0,
       1,  0,  0, -1,
      -1,  0,  0,  1,
       0,  1, -1,  0  };

    Updating the position counter of the rotary encoder now is an simple formula:

    knobPosition += KNOBDIR[thisState | (oldPos<<2)];

    Every time the current state is equal to 3 the rotary encoder is in the next valid position and a new official position can be made available by dividing the internal counter by 4 (or shifting right by 2):

    if (thisState == 3)
      knobPositionExtern = knobPosition>>2;

    The resulting implementation now is very small and obviously very fast. Also situations where the knob is not turned completely from one official position to another is handled correctly.

    The only thing that is critical is that every state change has to be detected and the check routine implementing this functionality has to be called often at minimum once per state change.

    The Return

    Most implementations I found calculate a integer number for the position of the knob others return a “right” or “left”. I found the support for a position value very useful in my projects and therefore stay with this approach.

    To read the current position just use the getPosition() function.

    However I added the possibility to change the position from a sketch by calling setPosition(newPosition) and you can use that for relative movement detection.

    Using Polling

    The simplest approach of checking the state of the rotary encoder is to poll the signals as often as you can. Just call the tick() function as often as you can and then use the position value for your needs.

    The SimplePollRotator example just does this and prints out the current position when changed.

    Using interrupts

    Constantly polling the current state of the rotary encoder is sometimes a void time and resource consumption. Especially when dealing with other topics in your sketch that can take a while you might not have the time for polling.

    A good approach is to use the pin change interrupt feature available in the ATMega processors. The Arduino environment has no direct support for this kind of interrupts so programming an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) is required.

    It is important to keep ISR implementations as small and fast as possible. The only thing that has to be done is to call the tick() function. The logic of your sketch should be implemented in the loop function.

    All the IO pins on Atmega168 can be used for Pin Change Interrupts

    Here is the implementation for the pin change interrupt in the case you have used the A2 and A3 lines for the encoder.

    Enable the Pin Change Interrupt 1 in general that covers the Analog input pins or Port C:

    PCICR |= (1 << PCIE1);

    Now enable the interrupt for pin 2 and 3 of Port C:

    PCMSK1 |= (1 << PCINT10) | (1 << PCINT11);  

    Now the Interrupt Service Routine only has to call the tick function:

    ISR(PCINT1_vect) {
      encoder.tick(); // just call tick() to check the state.

    You can also find this in the InterruptRotator example.

    The Examples


    This example checks the state of the rotary encoder in the loop() function. The current position is printed on output when changed.


    The same example as SimplePollRotator but output to an LCD display. You may need to include another LCD library when not using the LiquidCrystal_PCF8574 library. (LCD using SPI)


    This example checks the state of the rotary encoder by using interrupts as described above.

    In this example, when reaching position 66 the output will freeze for 6.6 seconds. The further turned positions will be recognized anyway because the interrupt still works in the background.
    The output is correct 6.6 seconds later.


    Some discussions on simple rotary approaches:

  • http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/RotaryEncoders

    A datasheet of a typical rotary encoder:

  • http://www.hobbytronics.co.uk/datasheets/TW-700198.pdf

    The gray code explained:

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_code.

    Some other rotary decoder implementations:

  • https://github.com/brianlow/Rotary/blob/master/Rotary.cpp
  • http://www.buxtronix.net/2011/10/rotary-encoders-done-properly.html

    IO Performance:

  • http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-is-Slow-and-how-to-fix-it/
  • http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,68656.0.html
  • http://jeelabs.org/2010/01/06/pin-io-performance/
  • http://garretlab.web.fc2.com/en/arduino/inside/arduino/wiring_digital.c/digitalRead.html


  • http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/PcInt
  • http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc8109.pdf